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MongoDB Driver (Node.JS).

This driver is a part of Model, but You can use it on its own, without the Model.

The main goal of Driver is to make MongoDB API simple and intuitive, it also changes some defaults, to more apropriate values (can be disabled in config).

Requiring driver.

_      = require 'underscore'
Driver = require 'mongo-model/lib/driver'

Enabling optional synchronous mode.

require 'mongo-model/lib/driver/sync'
sync = ->

Connecting to 'default' database and clearing it before starting.

  db = Driver.db()

Getting the units collection.

  units = db.collection 'units'

Let's create two Heroes.

  units.save name: 'Zeratul'
  units.save name: 'Tassadar'

Querying first and all documents matching criteria (there's also next method for advanced usage).

  assert units.first(name: 'Zeratul').name, 'Zeratul'
  list = units.all(name: 'Zeratul')
  assert (_(list).map (obj) -> obj.name), ['Zeratul']
  assert units.count(name: 'Zeratul'), 1

Query helpers.

  assert units.limit(1).sort(name: 1).first().name, 'Tassadar'
  assert units.find(name: 'Zeratul').count(), 1

Instead of default BSON::ObjectId id, Dirver generates short and nice random string ids (can be disabled in config).

  assert units.first()._id.constructor, String

Closing connection.


This stuff needed for synchronous mode.


global.assert = (args...) -> require('assert').deepEqual args...

In this example we covered basics of Driver, if You are interesting You can also take a look at Model examples.