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Mass Assignment for Model.

In this example we'll discover how to define attribute types, and protect some of them from mass assignment.

Model = require 'mongo-model'

Enabling optional synchronous mode.

require 'mongo-model/lib/sync'
sync = ->

Connecting to default database and clearing it before starting.

  db = Model.db()

Let's define User.

  class global.User extends Model

By defautl there's no any types and You can assign anything to any attribute using the set method.

  user = new User()
  user.set name: 'Gordon Freeman', age: '28'
  assert [user.name, user.age], ['Gordon Freeman', '28']

In previous example the age attribute is supposed to be Number but it has been assigned as a String. This is wrong, we need to fix it.

Note also that all such helpers also available in the following form:

class global.User extends Model
  @accessible 'age', Number
  User.accessible 'age', Number
  User.accessible 'name'

If You need to set attributes from unsafe input with typecast You should use safeSet.

This time String will be casted to Number before assigning it to the age attribute.

  user.safeSet name: 'Gordon Freeman', age: '28'
  assert [user.name, user.age], ['Gordon Freeman', 28]

There are also sensitive attributes that shouldn't be allowed to update in mass assignment. Let's add the password attribute and make it protected.

Actually there's no need to explicitly specify that attribute is protected, if You don't make it accessible explicitly it will be protected by default.

If we try to to change password using mass assignment it will not be updated.

  user.safeSet password: 'Black Mesa'
  assert user.password, undefined

You still can forcefully assign any attribute if You want.

  user.set password: 'Black Mesa'
  assert user.password, 'Black Mesa'

Closing connection.


This stuff needed for synchronous mode.


global.assert = (args...) -> require('assert').deepEqual args...

In this example we covered mass assignment, attribute types and attribute protection.