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Model supports two modes - asynchronous and synchronous.

  • Asynchronous mode - it's just usual Node.JS mode, with plain JavaScript and Callbacks.
  • Synchronous mode is optional and experimental it also depends on the fibers library.

In this example we'll discower why You may need synchronous mode and how to use it.

This is optional topic, if You prefer to use plain JavaScript callbacks - You can safely ignore this example.

A little of Theory

As You probably know Node.JS is asynchronous and never-blocking, and this is good. The bad is that asynchronous code is more complicated than synchronous (even with async control flow helpers).

But it seems that in some cases it's possible to get the best from both worlds - make code looks like synchronous but behave as asynchronous never-blocking. And this is what synchronous mode tries to do.

Thankfully it was relativelly easy to implement, thanks to the exellent fibers library.

Enabling synchronous mode.

As I said before sync mode is optional and You need to install fibers manually npm install fibers.

Requiring Model.

Model = require 'mongo-model'

You also need to switch to synchronous mode.

require 'mongo-model/lib/sync'

Just a handy helper.

global.assert = (args...) -> require('assert').deepEqual args...

And wrap Your code inside of Fiber.

  db = Model.db()
  units = db.collection 'units'
  units.save name: 'Zeratul'
  assert units.first(name: 'Zeratul').name, 'Zeratul'

After enabling sync mode You still can use it in async way, let's rewrite code above.

Model.db (err, db) ->
  return throw err if err
  db.clear (err) ->
    return throw err if err
    db.collection 'units', (err, units) ->
      return throw err if err
      units.save name: 'Zeratul', (err, result) ->
        return throw err if err
        units.first name: 'Zeratul', (err, unit) ->
          return throw err if err
          assert unit.name, 'Zeratul'

You can also mix sync and async code simultaneously.

  db = Model.db()
  db.collection 'units', (err, units) ->
    units.save name: 'Zeratul'
    assert units.first(name: 'Zeratul').name, 'Zeratul'

All methods (well, almost all) of Driver and Model support both sync and async style. It's also very handy to use sync style for writing specs, take a look at the spec/helper.coffe to see how it works.

In this sample we covered how to use synchronous mode with Driver and Model.