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Usually if You want to update Model You load it, make changes and save it back. But if You want to update only some of attributes there's more efficient way - modifiers.

In this example we'll create simple Model and update it using modifiers.

Model = require 'mongo-model'

Enabling optional synchronous mode.

require 'mongo-model/lib/sync'
sync = ->

Connecting to default database and clearing it before starting.

  db = Model.db()

Defining game Unit.

  class global.Unit extends Model
    @collection 'units'

Creating brave Tassadar.

  tassadar = Unit.create name: 'Tassadar', life: 80

Updating Model with modifiers.

  tassadar.update $inc: {life: -40}
  assert tassadar.life, 40

There's also helper on the model class.

  Unit.update {id: tassadar.id}, {$inc: {life: -20}}
  assert tassadar.life, 20

Closing connection.


This stuff needed for synchronous mode.


global.assert = (args...) -> require('assert').deepEqual args...

In this example we covered using modifiers with Model.