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Validations in Model.

You can use errors to store error messages, valid to check validity of Model and validate, before validate and 'after validate` callbacks for defining validation rules.

In this example we'll create simple Blog Application and use validations to ensure correctness of Post and Comments.

_     = require 'underscore'
Model = require 'mongo-model'

Enabling optional synchronous mode.

require 'mongo-model/lib/sync'
sync = ->

Connecting to default database and clearing it before starting.

  db = Model.db()


Defining Post and requiring presence of text attribute.

  class global.Post extends Model
    @collection 'posts'

    @validate (callback) ->
      @errors().add text: "can't be empty" unless @text

Creating post, it can't be saved because its text is empty and it's invalid.

  post = new Post()
  assert post.valid(), false
  assert post.errors(), {text: ["can't be empty"]}
  assert post.save(), false

Let's add text to it so it will be valid and we can save it.

  post.text = 'Norad II crashed!'
  assert post.valid(), true
  assert post.save(), true

Usually when model is invalid it can't be saved, but if You need You can skip validation and save invalid model.

  post = new Post()
  assert post.valid(), false
  assert post.save(validate: false), true

Embedded Models

MongoDB encourage to use Embedded Models a lot, so it's important to provide validations for it.

Defining Post with embedded Comments.

  class global.Post extends Model
    @collection 'posts'
    @embedded 'comments'

    constructor: (args...) ->
      @comments = []
      super args...

    @validate (callback) ->
      @errors().add text: "can't be empty" unless @text

Defining Comment.

  class global.Comment extends Model
    @validate (callback) ->
      @errors().add text: "can't be empty" unless @text

Creating valid Post.

  post = new Post text: 'Norad II crashed!'
  assert post.valid(), true

Creating invalid Comment with empty text.

  comment = new Comment()
  assert comment.valid(), false

Validation of Main Model also runs Validations on all its Embedded Models, so adding invalid Comment to valid Post will make Post also invalid.

  post.comments.push comment
  assert post.valid(), false
  assert post.save(), false

In order to save Post we need to make the Comment valid.

  comment.text = "Where?"
  assert comment.valid(), true
  assert post.valid(), true
  assert post.save(), true

Closing connection.


This stuff needed for synchronous mode.


global.assert = (args...) -> require('assert').deepEqual args...

Predefined validations

In example before we covered custom validations, but usually in 90% of cases You need only a small set of simple validations, and it would be really handy if there will be helpers like this:


But sadly, there's no such Validation library in JavaScript right now. And I feel that it would be wrong to reinvent a bycicle and implement this stuff directly in Model. I believe it should be implemented as a completely standalone library.

So, right now predefined validations aren't available, but it's important feature and I'm looking for a ways to implemente it. Probably it will be available in the next versions.