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Basic example for Model.

In this example we'll create simple Model and examine basic CRUD and querying operations.

_     = require 'underscore'
Model = require 'mongo-model'

Enabling optional synchronous mode.

require 'mongo-model/lib/sync'
sync = ->

Connecting to default database and clearing it before starting.

  db = Model.db()

Defining Model

Let's define a game Unit.

Models are (almost) just plain JavaScript Objects, there's no any Attribute Scheme, Types, Proxies, or other complex stuff. Just simple objects and arrays, use standard JS practices for working with it.

Inheriting our Unit from Model (make sure that Model is visible in global scope by using global.Unit instead of just Unit).

  class global.Unit extends Model

Specifying collection name this model will be saved to.

    @collection 'units'

There's no need to explicitly declare attributes, just use it as if it's a plain object.

Creating another Model, containing statistics about our Unit (it will be embedded into the Unit).

There are no difference between the Main and Embedded Models any Model can be used as a Main or be Embedded in another.

  class global.Stats extends Model


Let's create two great Heroes.

  zeratul  = new Unit name: 'Zeratul',  status: 'alive'
  zeratul.stats =  new Stats attack: 85, life: 300, shield: 100

  tassadar = new Unit name: 'Tassadar', status: 'dead'
  tassadar.stats = new Stats attack: 0,  life: 80,  shield: 300

Saving units to database.

  assert zeratul.save(), true
  assert tassadar.save(), true

We made an error - mistakenly set Tassadar's attack as zero, let's fix it.

  tassadar.stats.attack = 20
  assert tassadar.save(), true


All methods are (amost) the same as in MongoDB.

  assert Unit.first(name: 'Zeratul').name, 'Zeratul'
  list = Unit.all(name: 'Zeratul')
  assert (_(list).map (obj) -> obj.name), ['Zeratul']

There's also advanced next method, but we don't cover it in this sample.

Query helpers.

  assert Unit.limit(1).sort(name: 1).first().name, 'Tassadar'
  assert Unit.find(name: 'Zeratul').count(), 1


Instead of default BSON::ObjectId id, Dirver generates short and nice random string ids (can be disabled in config).

  assert Unit.first()._id.constructor, String

You also can convert model to Hash.

  assert Unit.first().toHash().name, 'Zeratul'

Closing connection.


This stuff needed for synchronous mode.


global.assert = (args...) -> require('assert').deepEqual args...

In this example we covered basics of Model, please go to contents for more samples.